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Participant Dashboard

On the participant dashboard, you can see their results (if available), and manage participant and interaction information.

Depending on the status of the latest interaction and whether (previous) results are available or not, you will see one of four screens/messages. You can always edit your participant’s information and manage their interactions. To see how, continue to the “Participant Dashboard” section.
1. No results available, and the participant was not invited to an interaction yet:
Click the “New Interaction” button to create the first interaction for the participant. For more details, refer to Creating Interactions.
2. No results available, but participant was invited to an interaction:
Click the “Send reminder” button to remind your participant to complete their interaction. For more details, refer to Reminding Participants.
3. Results available, but the participant was invited to a new interaction they have not completed yet
If you want to remind the participant to complete their interaction, click “Send reminder”. For more details, see also Reminding Participants.  If you want to view their previous results, click “View previous results”.
4. Results available, and no ongoing interaction
You see the result dashboard of your participant. Continue below.

Participant dashboard

On the participant dashboard you can

  1. View the various dashboard sections by using the navigation bar on the top of the results
  2. Download the behavioral performance report, a 36-page report intended to be handed to the participant
  3. Download the individual’s certificate – this feature is an optional add-on and is not enabled by default. Enabling this feature may require a different type of license and could incur an additional charge. Please contact for details.
  4. Manage particpiant details and interactions

Options 1-3 are only available if the participant has results, option 4 is always available.

Manage participant and interaction information

To manage participant information and their interactions, click the green “Manage Participant and Interactions” button in the top right.

In the sidebar you can:

  1. View and change the participant’s details. To edit the details, click the green “Edit” button.

  2. View and manage participant’s interactions

  3. Delete the participant. Click on the “Delete” button.   

Attention: Deleting a participant deletes all interactions and results of the participant permanently. It is not possible to restore this information after deletion.

Managinge participant interactions

Here you can:

  1. Create a new interaction for your participant. For details, see:
    “Creating Interactions”.

  2. View the participant’s interactions. Depending on the status of the interaction, different actions are possible:

    • Done: The participant has completed the interaction. 
    • Not opened yet: An interaction has been created for the participant. An invitation to the interaction may or may not have been sent to the participant. In any case, the interaction has not yet been opened and started by the participant. The settings button  offers you access to the Interaction Management page. Here you can either Remind Participants, or delete the interaction. 
    • Ongoing: The participant has already started the interaction, but it has not yet been completed. The settings button  offers you access to the Interaction Management page. Here you can either Remind Participants, or delete the interaction. 


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