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Participants List

The participant list allows you to: 

  1. Select participants to view results and manage details

  2. Navigate through the list of participants

  3. Search participants by name

  4. Sort participants by status and most recent interaction

  5. Filter participants by group or interaction status

  6. Add participants to the individual comparison


1. Select a participant

To select a participant, you can click anywhere in the row with their name.


2. Navigate through multiple pages of participants

If you have more clients than can be displayed on one page, use the navigation tools to (1) jump to a specific page, (2) move forward or backward, or (3) go directly to the first or last page.


3. Search participants by name

To search for a specific client, type their first or last name in the search box. 


4. Sort participants by status and most recent interaction

By clicking on either Dialogue Recency, or Latest Dialogue Status, the participants in the list will either be sorted in ascending or descending order according to the respective property.


5. Filter participants

You can reduce the number of participants shown in the Participant List, by selecting any filter. The bracketed numbers next to each filter show the number of remaining participants.

  • Type Filter: “Selection”: Shows participants intended for selection processes
  • Type Filter “Performance”: Shows participants intended for individual and team analyses
  • Status Filter “All”: Shows all participants

  • Status Filter “No results available”: Shows only participants who have never received an interaction invitation

  • Status Filter “Ongoing”: Shows only participants who currently have an ongoing interaction that has yet to be completed (they might or might not have results available)

  • Status Filter “Done”: Participants who have completed all their interactions (and definitely have results available)


6. Add a participant to the comparison

The plus button allows you to add a participant to the comparison feature which allows you to compare the individual results of up to four participants. See Comparing individual candidates for more details.

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