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Client List and Segmentation

The client list provides an overview of your clients and offers powerful segmentation options.

Here you can: 

  1. Add new clients

  2. Select clients to view results and manage details

  3. Navigate through the client list 

  4. Search clients by name 

  5. Sort clients by status and most recent dialogue

  6. Segment clients by key advisory aspects


1. Add a new client

Click this button to add new clients until you reach your client limit. For more details, see: Adding Clients.


2. Select clients

To select a client, click on the row with the client’s name.


3. Navigate through multiple pages

If you have more clients than can be displayed on one page, use the navigation tools to (1) jump to a specific page, (2) move forward or backward, or (3) go directly to the first or last page.


4. Search clients by name

To search for a specific client, type their first or last name in the search box. 


5. Sort clients by status and time of their last dialogue 

In the drop-down menu above the client list, you can group clients by the status of their last dialogue. On smaller screens, click the filter icon to access the menu. Select “Latest Dialogue Status”.

Click on column titles (e.g., Client or Dialogue Recency) to sort clients in ascending or descending order.

To the right of the table, filter clients by status categories. The number next to each category shows how many clients fall within it:


Done: Shows clients who have completed all dialogues.

Ongoing: Clients in an active dialogue. Previous results may be available depending on whether it’s their first or a repeated dialogue.

No results available: Clients who haven’t completed or started their first dialogue.


6. Segment clients according to key advisory aspects

The client list provides extensive options for grouping clients by business and advisory-related factors.

For example, selecting “Advisory Satisfaction” from the drop-down menu will group clients by their satisfaction levels. On the right, you can filter clients by clicking on categories like “Extremely low.” You can also select multiple categories for filtering.

To change or clear filters, click on other categories or use the “Clear all filters” button below.

Click a column name repeatedly to reverse the sort order of the results.

To return to the default view, select “Latest Dialogue Status” from the drop-down menu.

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