BQ Advisory
- Ich habe meine Zugangsdaten vergessen und kann micht nicht mehr anmelden.
- Wie kann ich meine Kunden zu einem Dialog einladen?
- Ich kann keinen neuen Kundendialog starten
- Wie kann ich einen Kunden noch einmal die Einladung zu einem Dialog zukommen lassen?
- Wie kann ich Ergebnisse ansehen und exportieren?
BQ Performance
Creating Interactions
New interactions can be created:
- For participants who have not been invited to an interaction yet.
- For participants who have completed all previous interactions.
Each participant can only have new interactions created up to their maximum limit. The limit is specified in your contract with BQ.
Schritt 1: Melden Sie sich im BQ-Portal an
Falls Sie noch nicht eingeloggt sind, klicken Sie hier um sich mit Ihren Zugangsdaten anzumelden.
Step 2: Select a participant
Select a participant from the participant list.
To find a specific participant, enter their first and/or last name in the search box at the top left.
To select a participant, click on the row displaying the participant’s name.
Depending on whether the participant has completed an interaction, you will see one of two screens. Proceed to the appropriate step.
Step 3A: Starting a new interaction for participants who haven’t completed any interactions yet
Click the “New Interaction” button.
That’s it, the interaction has been created. Proceed to Step 4.
Step 3B: Start a new interaction for participants who have already completed one or more interactions.
If the participant has already completed an interaction, their dashboard will appear. To create a new interaction, click the “Manage Participant and Interactions” button.
In the sidebar that appears, click the “Start New Interaction” button.
If a new interaction cannot be created, the “Start New Interaction” button will be disabled, and one of two messages will appear:
Option 1: You cannot create a new interaction because the participant has not completed all previous interactions. Either delete the unfinished interaction or remind the participant to complete it. (Reminding Participants of their Interactions).
Option 2: You cannot create a new interaction because the participant has reached the maximum number of interactions. Contact BQ to unlock additional interactions.
Step 4: Decide how to invite the participant and manage interaction settings
Clicking the “Start New Interaction” button opens a new page. Here, you can choose how to invite or remind your participant and manage interaction settings.
To invite your participant, use any of the green buttons. For more details, refer to the explanations next to each button.
By clicking “Optional: Set automatic reminders,” you can choose whether the participant should receive periodic reminders to complete their interaction. This option is OFF by default.
To change this setting, simply toggle the switch. You can adjust this for each interaction as long as the participant hasn’t completed it.