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Add new participants

The steps below apply both to BQ Selection and to BQ Performance.

Step 1: Log into BQ and ensure that Performance is selected

If you are currently not logged in, klicken Sie hier and log in with your credentials. Then, if you own more than one product, ensure that you navigate to Performance using the product-selector in the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Create a new candidate

Press the “Create New Candidate” button on the top right of your candidate table.

Step 3: Enter candidate details

In the popup, enter the participant’s

  • First Name (1)

  • Last Name (2)

  • Email Address (3)

and press the “Confirm” button (4).

A message on the top right will confirm that you created a new participant.

Next steps:

To create an interaction for a participant, continue here: Invite participants to interactions
