Predict people’s financial behaviors
Excel in the investment world with predictive
behavioral data
"Master the most complex aspect of investing: The Human Mind."
Dr. Thomas Oberlechner, PhD

For Personalised Advice
BQ Advisory makes successful, long-lasting client relationships a breeze. Tailored advice, effective communication, highest satisfaction for each single client.

For Higher Returns
BQ Performance shows how to optimize your team’s decision-making. Powerful analyses, predictions, and insights for your investment team.

For Successful Selection
BQ Select makes it easy to select the right professionals and fund managers. Full knowledge of strengths, weaknesses, and risks for your selection decisions.

Benefit from our research
with top financial institutions

Your direct path to concrete benefits
Add Behavioral Finance to your arsenal
BehaviorQuant shows you exactly how investment professionals and clients make their decisions. Our cutting-edge technology provides detailed quantitative profiles of individuals and teams. The latest behavioral science and AI provide insight into future behavior. Everything you need to outperform and to advise others successfully.