BQ Benchmark: Das Heilmittel gegen Selbstüberschätzung beim Investieren

In investing, where success balances on skill and luck, overconfidence can erode performance by up to 400 basis points annually. BehaviorQuant’s BQ Benchmark combats this by providing a clear, objective measure of decision-making, letting you compare strategies with top peers and offering insights to optimize outcomes. Discover how BQ Benchmark can elevate your investment performance today—completely free!

In der Gerüchteküche: Vorsicht vor Fehlinformationen am Markt

Rumors can heavily influence financial markets, often making investors act on unverified information instead of facts. This newsletter explores how rumors and certain mental shortcuts can impact investor behavior and market trends. Learn about the surprising effects of these rumors and get ready for our upcoming tips on how to handle them better and make smarter financial decisions.

Die Feinheiten menschlicher Biase mit Behavioral Finance

In the realm of finance, decisions are often thought to be driven by cold, hard data and rational analysis. However, beneath this façade of logic lies a complex web of human biases that can subtly—but significantly—impact our financial choices. Understanding these biases isn’t just about theory; it’s about gaining a profound insight into your decision-making processes and how you can leverage this understanding to make better financial decisions.

Kann KI Finanzberater ersetzen?

In the evolving world of finance, the question looms: Can AI replace human financial advisors? While AI excels in data analysis, it falls short in understanding emotions and building trust. Join us as we explore this debate and uncover why the human touch remains irreplaceable in financial planning.

BehaviorQuant auf der EmTech 2024 in London

Seien Sie dabei, wenn Thomas Oberlechner, der visionäre Gründer von BehaviorQuant, auf der prestigeträchtigen EmTech Conference 2024 in London über unsere bahnbrechenden Innovationen spricht!

Der neue Standard für Finanzfachleute: Verhaltensbasierte Zertifizierung

Certification Behavioral Investment Professional

In der Finanzwelt ist das Verständnis der verhaltensbezogenen Aspekte der Entscheidungsfindung ebenso wichtig wie die Beherrschung von Finanztheorien und -strategien. Selbsteinschätzung und Zertifizierung im Bereich Behavioral Finance bieten Finanzfachleuten, Händlern und Beratern zahlreiche Vorteile.